Marc Spicer’s Saviors Among Us 1.0: Situation Critical (Academic Edition)
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As a 20-year veteran teacher of middle and high school English, I often reflect on my own experiences as a student. Having a reading disability made it difficult to find high-interest literature with content suitable for my age but written at my independent reading level. As I was completing Saviors Among Us 1.0: Situation Critical, I decided to adapt it for readers who face the similar reading dilemmas I had. |
To encourage teachers, librarians, and parents to make the novel available to their students, I have waived my royalties from sales of Saviors Among Us 1.0: Situation Critical in order to make the novel more affordable.
* As a teacher, you will undoubtedly want to review the novel before purchasing any class sets. After you have created an account at and ordered a copy, Lulu will start sending you personalized codes for additional discounts on orders and shipping. Just wait for the offer that will best meet your needs.
* As a teacher, you will undoubtedly want to review the novel before purchasing any class sets. After you have created an account at and ordered a copy, Lulu will start sending you personalized codes for additional discounts on orders and shipping. Just wait for the offer that will best meet your needs.
The Saviors Among Us series title and Saviors Among Us 1.0: Situation Critical © ™ Marc Spicer 2017